Teenagers and young children are frequently injured at amusement parks, particularly at temporary rides set up at festivals and fairs throughout Illinois in the summer months. There are many reasons for such accidents, including improperly trained personnel, inadequate supervision, faulty equipment, and improper maintenance. Go-Kart (aka go-carts) rides can be particularly dangerous as some involve high speeds with young inexperienced drivers and poorly trained teens “supervising” the rides. A question I am often asked is whether the fact that a sign was posted stating: “Ride at your own Risk,” or some similar language printed on a ticket, means that the parents cannot bring a claim to recovery for injuries to their children and for medical bills the parents have paid. The short answer is no, such signs and disclaimers do not absolve the ride operator from liability. It is important to contact a lawyer soon after the event before the ride is dismantled and moved on to another town. If you are able, get photos of the area where your child was injured. Take photos not only of the ride buy any signage around the ride. If your child has a ticket stub, put it somewhere safe. Try to find out if your child, or any of their friends, posted any photos or videos online of the accident. Be sure to try and find a manger and tell them where and when your child was injured. Get their name and contact info. If you are asked to make a report, make sure you take a photo of the completed report. If your child is injured at an amusement park, a fair, or even a playground, please call for a free consultation.
Categories: Personal injuriesPersonal Injuries